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How do you Prevent Deterioration in Your Spiritual life?

Deteriorated houseDay 91, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Judges 1:1–3:6

How do you Prevent Deterioration in your Spiritual Life?

When our houses are new, the brick or siding looks beautiful. A new or well-preserved house is a statement of success. Unless kept up, however, the exterior and roof deteriorate, and it looks awful. The interior may be worse. At the end of the fifteen century B.C., under Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites, with blitzing speed, conquered most of the Promised Land. They were successful, but success isn’t enough to keep a nation strong. What should they do? What should we do to keep our nation strong?

The danger of being successful is we forget how we got there. We forget to be thankful, begin to relax, and don’t discipline ourselves to do the things which bring success. We also can’t instruct others in the right ways because we’re not following them ourselves.

Today we begin the book of Judges. In historical context, this book follows the events after Joshua’s death
(see more for the chronology of the book of Judges).

Before he died, Joshua tried to keep his nation from degenerating by having the Israelites agree to a covenant to follow the LORD. The influence of Joshua, however, lasted for only one generation.

What happened? What caused this deterioration? Was there something they left undone? Yes. The Israelite tribes were unsuccessful in driving the wicked Canaanites from their lands. Their priests didn’t teach the Law of Moses and how to obey God. Parents failed to tell their children about the LORD. Their children didn’t know the LORD or what he had done for them. The tribes, the priests, and the parents all failed their responsibilities
(Judges 1:21, 1:27- 2:3; 2:10).

•  What about us? Are we falling short as a society? Are our churches, Christian organizations, or families failing? Sadly, yes. Why? We can see the reason if we ask these questions:

•  Do we resist evil behavior or tolerate it?

•  Do our church ministers and teachers teach all the Bible, including the gospel, and apply it to our present circumstances?

•  Is a personal relationship with God through Jesus encouraged?

•  Are Bible reading and prayer encouraged?

• Do we instruct our children in the ways of the LORD? Do we set an example they can follow, or are we hypocrites?

We need to provide the proper examples and show diligence in our leadership if we’re to succeed. It’s not someone else’s responsibility—it’s ours. Obeying the LORD leads to life, peace, and his favor.

In today’s Bible reading, however, Israel serves and worships idols of the kingdoms they are supposed to dispossess. When the Israelites worship them, it makes the LORD angry, so he allows other nations to oppress and defeat them. Israel then cries out to God in their misery. In his mercy, he sends judges who lead the people in moral and military victories. For a while, they have victory and peace, and then they grow complacent.

After each judge dies, the Israelites fall into even worse sins than their predecessors. Their inherited territory shrinks as other nations conquer them. Click on the image 10 times and you will see the cycle of their sin.

How to Stop the Cycle of Sin

To stop the cycle of sin, we must repent and confess our sins
(more). Then we need to renew our commitments and obey God, not letting the world influence us toward wrong behavior and idolatry.

Because of Israel’s moral compromises and idolatry, God no longer drives out the inhabitants of Canaan. He does this for two reasons:

•  He wants to teach them warfare. A generation lacked the knowledge of having to fight for their inheritance. This is a compelling argument against pacifism in our churches and spiritual lives. The Israelites were soft and spoiled, not strong or spiritual. Each generation must struggle, see their lost condition and seek the LORD for deliverance.

• Each generation must see that complete obedience leads to God’s favor. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to get soft; God wants us to be ready for spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18). We must lead disciplined lives to please our LORD and win battles against our enemies.

Focus verse

Ephesians 5:17(NIV) “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”


What happened to cause the deterioration in Israel? How can we stop a similar deterioration in our nation, church, family, or other organization?

How can we stop the cycle of sin so the LORD will keep blessing us?

Why is it good for each generation to struggle?

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: An undisciplined life leads to chaos. How can we Cure Chaos? Find out in our Next Lesson.

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