betrayed woman Day 309, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Mark 14:43-72; Luke 22:47-71; John 18:1-27; Matthew 26:47-75


Betrayed, friendless, and falsely accused—at least once in our life, this has or probably will happen to us. We are innocent, but nobody thinks so, and some may deny any association with us. How does (or would) that make us feel? Confused—Disillusioned—Bitter—Abandoned—Lonely? Jesus also experienced injustice. In today’s Bible reading, the Lord is betrayed. We will look at what he went through so we might know how to handle betrayal. We will also look at what we should do if we are disloyal to God and others.

The opportunity for betrayal

We last saw Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane with eleven of his disciples keeping watch nearby (Judas Iscariot had left Jesus to betray him).

Jewish crowds were gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (this feast is explained in the November 3 Bible study).

The religious leaders want to kill Jesus, but they fear the Jews—most ordinary people love him. Because of this, they know they must act swiftly and secretly. But what can they do? The answer comes from an unexpected but welcome source—one of Jesus’ own disciples!

Seeing he could make no money from the Lord’s ministry, Judas Iscariot betrays him to them. He agrees to hand over Jesus to the religious leaders for thirty silver pieces, the compensation price of a man or woman gored by a bull (Exodus 21:32).

The betrayer now leads a band of religious leaders and soldiers to Gethsemane to arrest this Jewish Messiah at night. They come with flaming torches, clubs, and swords. This is a nightmare!

The arrest

What happens when the angry mob gets to Gethsemane? Do Jesus and his disciples fight? (John 18:1-11; Matthew 26:56). No, the Lord goes out to meet the soldiers and religious leaders and asks them what they want. He tries to protect his disciples (a good leader will do this for his followers). Judas betrays him with a prearranged sign—a kiss of greeting.

Peter attempts to defend Jesus and prevent him from being arrested by drawing a sword and cutting off the high priest’s servant’s ear. Immediately, the Lord puts a stop to this act of violence. He heals the servant’s ear (Luke 22:51) and then submits himself to the soldiers and religious leaders.

Seeing the soldiers grab him and lead him away, the disciples flee (Matthew 26:56). It would be tempting for us to be critical of them, but how would we respond to a real threat of being seized and persecuted for being associated with Jesus? The natural reaction to arrest and persecution is fear and flight. Here, however, is Jesus’ example:

Illegal trials

The trial is one of three quickly arranged judicial meetings this night. The proceedings are hastily conducted to have a binding verdict ready for a Roman judge at dawn. This is when government officials begin handling legal cases, and only the Roman government can execute convicted prisoners.

All this is quickly and secretly done because the religious leaders fear the crowds of Jesus’ faithful admirers and want to avoid any opposition. However, the Jewish trials are illegal because they are carried on at night, and Jesus is not legally sentenced for any crime. By Roman law, it is unlawful for Jesus to be beaten like a criminal without first being sentenced. The Chief Priests and the Sanhedrin (the religious ruling party) ignore these laws.

Another betrayal

As if one betrayal were not enough, later in the night, while Jesus is being examined at Caiaphas’ house, Peter betrays Jesus (Luke 22:54-62). When questioned by those around him, Peter denies association with Jesus three times and even curses with an oath that he doesn’t know him.

Peter’s betrayal, however, differs from that of Judas. Peter doesn’t merely feel remorse; he weeps bitter tears of repentance over his sins (Matthew 26:75). By the time Jesus is raised from the dead, Peter once again identifies himself with the disciples (John 20-21).

In contrast, Judas never seeks forgiveness. Instead, he tries to fix his errors by attempting to give back the blood money. When that fails, Judas hangs himself (Matthew 27:3-5). We see that in our next Bible reading.

End note: The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T., edited by Walvoord and Zuck, ©.1985, p.182


What is the proper spiritual reaction to betrayal, which Jesus demonstrates for us?

If we have betrayed God or someone else, what should we do about it?

Focus Verses

1Peter 4:19 (NIV) “So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”

Acts 3:19 (NIV) “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

Watch a dramatized version of the events leading to Jesus' crucifixion

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

My prayer response. Join me if you wish.

Dear LORD and Almighty God, great is your forgiveness, even when tried and insulted. Thank you that Jesus bore insults, false accusations, mockery, beatings, and crucifixion so that we might have salvation and victory over the devil. May your name be praised in all the world. If you can do it, I pray we would be willing to suffer injustice in your name to bring others into the kingdom.

Give us the bread of tenacity and perseverance when suffering comes. Meet our other needs to encourage us and testify to others that you answer prayers. Let us remember to call upon you so the Holy Spirit will comfort and strengthen us. Help us not to hold grudges but to forgive them. Lead us away from the temptation to give up when facing difficult times. May our trust always be in you our king. You are the power and the kingdom and the glory forever.

Please send your comments to me, Rod

Looking Ahead: After Jesus is betrayed and dragged to a quickly assembled court of religious leaders, he is subjected to more illegal Court Trials and Injustice. This Next Lesson will help us deal with injustices we have or will experience. Join us!

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re-edited 11-5-2021