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Man studying the Scriptures

Are you trying to decide if a Chronological Bible study would be helpful to you?

Test yourself by reading these questions. See if these chronological Bible studies might be beneficial.

If you were to tell someone about God, who knows little to nothing about him, where would you start in the Bible and why?

Are you well-acquainted with the history of Israel, beginning with Abraham and the lessons he and his family learned? Is this important? Why?

Why did God give the moral law (the Ten Commandments and all their prescriptions), the ceremonial law, and the festival laws? What value do they have today?

Why is the book of Leviticus in the Bible? Why is it important for us today?

Do you understand the circumstances of David’s Psalms? What prompted him to write them, and how may we interpret them?

How is Solomon’s temple key to understanding the chronology of the Bible?

What is the Davidic Covenant? How was it being fulfilled in Israel, and how will it be fulfilled in Israel during the end times?

Can you explain the history of the kings of Israel and Judah and which prophets ministered to the nations during those times? Which prophets were contemporary?

Why were the messages of the twelve writing prophets necessary, and what do they also tell you about God?

If a friend told you there were two gods in the Bible, one who was mean and one who was kind, what would you say? What Bible passages would you take them to in order to prove God is one?

Do you understand how many of the Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in the New Testament?

Why is our Bible divided up into two sections, the Old and the New? Is there any value in studying the Old Testament?

What events transpired between the Old Testament and the New, and how do they prepare you for the coming of Jesus?

What is the chronological order of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection?

Do you understand when the books of the New Testament were written, for whom, and for what reasons?

What issues and challenges were going on in the New Testament churches? Do we face any of them today? What encouragement can we receive in the letters to the churches?

Do you know the chronology and the meaning of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ? Why is that important? How can it help you?

If you can answer all of these questions, then perhaps it isn’t for you. But, if you are like 95% of the world, you can’t answer all these questions, and you could profit from a chronological Bible study. Why not join us and improve your Bible literacy? We make it easy to understand the Bible in a year and apply it to your life.


Go to our chronological Bible studies page, scroll down, and sign up. You are in for a fascinating and sometimes challenging journey that will change your life in chronological Bible studies.

View this video to learn the importance of Bible chronology

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