Holy Bible Days 266-267, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Nehemiah 7:73b-9:37, Psalms 1, 119. Note: The Bible reading is rather long today, so you may want to split it up into two days, and then read this Bible study.

The Importance of God’s Word

How important is the Bible? Is it just a religious book people carry to church on Sunday, or is it something more? Have we read the entire book? Are we well-acquainted with the history of Israel and the lessons learned by his people?

If we have followed these Bible studies from the beginning, we should have an excellent understanding of the Old Testament. We understand how the events and people of the Bible fit in chronological order, and just as important, we know what it means to us. We will begin the New Testament on September 28.

For those who have come to this chronological Bible study late, or are just checking this site out before they begin the New Testament, Nehemiah 9 provides a good overview of the Old Testament.

After rebuilding Solomon’s temple and the Jerusalem wall, there was great rejoicing. The people praised the LORD for all he had done for them. They sang many songs on their way up to Jerusalem for their festival celebrations (the songs were rightly termed “Psalms of ascension”).

God's Word Explained

In chapter 10 of today’s Bible reading, the Jewish people continue to feel grateful. They gather together to hear God’s Word and are greatly encouraged when the Scriptures are also explained. The Levites are good teachers because God’s people now understand the Scriptures, and what they hear changes them.

Do we attend Bible studies, either in small groups or in churches? If so, we get an opportunity to hear and ask questions about the Bible and to connect with others. That personal connection is essential. God has appointed preachers and teachers in churches or other worship places to effectively communicate the Bible’s teachings. We should seek to gather there.

If you don’t have a group, or just want to try something new, I invite you to interact on my blog, Connecting Truth to Life.

God's Word is transformational

The goal of Bible study is not merely the collection of Bible truths but the transformation of lives. In today’s Bible reading, the people of Israel are transformed as they listen to the Scriptures. They grieve over their sins and rejoice at the LORD’s mercy and grace. They decide to keep the festivals at their appointed times and worship him. Daily, they stand to hear God’s Word; and they listen, not just for a few minutes, but for many hours.

Soon, because God ’ s Word is transformational when it is heard, I plan to provide audio lessons for next year. Please pray about that.

God’s Word is Priceless

Psalm 119 is a lengthy Hebrew song that focuses on the treasures of God’s Word. It is unique in its structure.

This psalm is written in an acrostic (alphabetical) arrangement. In each paragraph (strophe) of eight verses each line begins with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. (The 22 strophes correspond to the 22 letters of the alphabet) So verses 1-8 each begin with the first Hebrew letter, verses 9-16 each begin with the second letter and so on [This provided a good memory tool for the Hebrew students].

The psalm is largely a collection of prayers and meditations on the Word of God, referred to by 10 synonyms….Law…Word… Saying… Commands… Statutes… Judgments… Precepts… Testimony…Way… [and] Path.

The psalmist was persecuted by men of rank and authority. They ridiculed his beliefs, seeking to shame and make him give up his faith. But he strengthened himself by meditating on the Word of the Lord. It was his comfort, his prized possession, his rule of life, and his resource for strength—all of which drove him to desire it even more (insights from the Bible Knowlege Commentary).

The theme in Psalm 119 may be a reference to the ministries of Ezra and Nehemiah. While they attempted to rebuild the temple and city walls, their people and leaders were opposed, maligned, and threatened. Three times the work stopped, but through the messages of Haggai and Zechariah, God’s people were urged to repent, return to him, and to rebuild the temple and city walls. While they were building, the LORD changed the kings’ hearts to pave the way for project completion. God was their defense against their hostile neighbors.

Like the Israelites, have we suffered persecution or the smearing of our good name? Have people threatened us or ridiculed our beliefs? Have they tried to discourage us from believing God cares and will help us? The Bible gives encouragement to those who are oppressed.

God's Word Brings a Response

Nehemiah 9:5–10:39 follow the normal pattern of the Suzerain Treaties of their day (more…).

The nation of Israel was a vassal state; Persia owned their bodies, land, and cattle. The Israelites were free to do as they pleased but were still in bondage to Persia. They were taxed for the privilege of living on their own land.

They realized they were experiencing the results of their forefathers’ sins. However, as they heard the reading of God's Word, they knew to look to him for their help. Nehemiah prays to the LORD that he will be sympathetic to their distress.

Are we distressed by our circumstances or the people around us? We can get help, too, if we seek God, read his Word, and obey it.

End Note: The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, edited by Walvoord and Zuck, © 1985, p. 879


What is one way to encourage God’s people?

Why is the Word of God essential in our life?

Focus Verse: Psalm 119:130 (NIV) “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

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Looking Ahead: Once our hearts have been changed by God's Word and his Spirit, How Do We Keep Our Zeal For God? Join us for our Next Lesson to find out.

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re-edited 9-23-21