Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Judges 6–7
(to review the chronological order of Judges, see more...)
Overcoming Small Faith
- “I could not do that.”
- “God could not possibly use me.”
- “If you only knew my past.”
- “I am not talented like....”
These are all excuses that people use when faced with challenges greater than themselves. Yet, if God calls us to a challenge, it means we have to depend on him to get the victory. If we only attempt the things which we can do, we do not need God and he will not get the glory. The LORD delights to show himself strong, even in the most unlikely circumstances with some of the most unlikely people. The LORD can use those who start small in faith.
In the period of the Judges, Israel has been getting herself into trouble because she does not have a king; each person does what is right in his own eyes. God should have been their king, but the Israelites reject him and live their way. When Israel gets herself into trouble and cries out to the LORD in her misery, God sends judges (military leaders) to deliver her from the oppression of her enemies.
God's Fearful Warrior
In today's Bible reading, the Midianites swarm in like locusts each harvest season to destroy everything, both plants and cattle, to leave God's people with nothing to eat. When the Israelites cry out to the LORD for help, he rebukes them for turning away from him to worship other gods. In his mercy, however, he sends a deliverer. Gideon is not a famous champion; he is from the weakest clan in the tribe of Manasseh, and he is the least important in his family. Gideon has the heart of a warrior, yes, but he is afraid. He is threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianite raiders (Judges 6:11,15,27,36-40; 7:9-11).
The Angel of the LORD (probably a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ) appears to him and tells him to save Israel. Gideon is doubtful. “The LORD turns to him and says, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14, NIV). Like many of us when we are afraid, Gideon asks for signs that it is God asking him to do these things and not his imagination. The LORD assures him, “I am with you” (Judges 6:16, NIV).
Gideon is hospitable to the angel of the LORD and probably wants to talk more about this. He prepares a meal for him. When it was ready,
The angel of God said to him, “Take the meat and the unleavened bread, place them on this rock, and pour out the broth.” And Gideon did so. With the tip of the staff that was in his hand, the angel of the LORD touched the meat and the unleavened bread. Fire flared from the rock, consuming the meat and the bread. And the angel of the LORD disappeared (Judges 6:20-21).
Gideon Obeys Despite his Anxiety
The LORD demonstrated to Gideon that he is Almighty and has the power to do the impossible. Gideon then takes courage.The first step of obedience for Gideon is to demolish the idol of the false Canaanite god, Baal, construct an altar to the LORD in its place, and use the wood from the Asherah pole (Baal's accompanying female goddess) to light a fire for animal sacrifice to the one true God (Judges 6:25-27). This is a difficult task that will threaten Gideon's life. By demolishing the idols of Baal and Asherah, God is showing Midian and Israel that he is more powerful than their false gods. Gideon is afraid, so he gathers ten of his servants and does the deed at night, but he still obeys. God does not call us to smash the idols in our land, but are we willing to do his will? Will we be faithful even if the task could involve risks?
After destroying the idols, the Spirit of the LORD comes upon Gideon. He calls the northern tribes of Manasseh, Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali to arms. 32,000 Israelites come to fight against 135,000 Midianite, Amalekite, and other eastern armies.
Gideon Asks for a Sign
Gideon's spirit is willing, but his flesh is weak. Gideon asks for a sign. He has a fleece of wool. One morning he asks God to make the wool wet but the ground dry, and the next morning to make the wool dry but the ground wet, if it is the LORD asking him to do these things. Although God could have judged Gideon for testing his patience, he does not. Instead, he is gracious to assure Gideon by confirming his will through the signs.
God Increases the Odds!
Then God does something unthinkable—he reduces the small Israelite army so everyone will know that only the LORD can give Israel the victory. Twenty-two thousand of the thirty-two thousand men are sent home because they are afraid. Then, of the 10,000 men who remain, the LORD has Gideon choose only 300 to fight, and the rest are sent home. The odds are overwhelming against Israel.
God Reassures Gideon
Although Gideon does not ask for it, once more the LORD provides Gideon assurance that he is with him. He tells Gideon that if he is afraid, he should go to the Midianite camp at night. When he does this, he hears a dream and its interpretation from some Midianite soldiers. This gives him courage. Immediately, Gideon and his aid return to camp and awaken the 300 Israelite soldiers for an attack. Each is given torch lamps and trumpets. They surround the Midianite camp at night, break the lamps and blow the horns. In the confusion of darkness, the Midianite army panics and the soldiers begin to slay themselves. Did Gideon win the battle? Yes, with the LORD's help.
God gets the glory for the battles only he can win.
Focus Verse
Exodus 15:11 (NIV) “Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you-- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?”
If we only attempt the things which we can do, we do not need God and he will not get the glory. Is this true? Why do we do it? What things might we do with God’s help?
Do we have to be a giant in the faith for God to use us? Does our past matter to God? Do you know anyone who had small faith and the LORD blessed? Explain
The first step of obedience to the LORD was for Gideon to do something hard—destroy the foreign gods at his father’s house. God does not ask us to do that, but what he asks may involve risks. What might be some first steps of obedience for some people?