Timeline. Map. Go to today's Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Revelation 6–9
New Year Preparations
Every year we do it—a few days after Christmas we start preparing for the New Year. What do we do? We clean the house. All the wrapping paper, boxes, and even Christmas trees are thrown away or burned. Pine needles and other trash on the floors, carpets, and upholstery are vacuumed. Then, we clean the kitchen and the rest of the mess from the holidays. Bring on the New Year!
This is what is happening in today's Bible reading—the world is being cleaned up in preparation for the New Year when Jesus Christ comes back to this earth to rule and reign for 1,000 years. There has to be a massive sweeping, burning, and destruction of all the wrappings of evil on the earth.
In our last Bible reading, we observed the throne room of God. The one on the throne holds a large scroll (book) in his right hand with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. Who is worthy to open them? Only Jesus. Only Jesus is worthy to take the scroll and open the seals—by his blood he purchased men for God and then triumphed over the grave (Revelation 5).
Now he opens the seven seals. Each of the first four seals reveals a different colored horse. Here is a classic painting of them.
symbolizes peace because the rider has a bow but no arrows and is given a crown to wear (Revelation 6:2). It's a false peace obtained by the strength of a world leader.
- The Red Horse symbolizes war and bloodshed.
- The Black Horse symbolizes famine.
- The Pale Green Horse symbolizes death (Revelation 6:4-8).
In these seal judgments, war and its effects will kill one fourth of the earth’s population. Even so, the judgments will continue. There are parentheses of events recorded in the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments. While the seal judgments are continuing, there will also be massive evangelization efforts being carried on in the world. Afterward, there will be a massive martyrdom of Christians as a reaction against them. The fifth seal is a parenthesis revealing a great crowd of martyred Christians receiving robes of white because they stood for righteousness, even during times of persecution and death (Revelation 6:9).
They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?
Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed” (Revelation 6:10-11, NIV).
This is probably not the answer the martyrs want to hear, but God is Sovereign and they will have to be patient. Perhaps, this is true in our lives as well.
The opening of the sixth seal reveals terrible destruction on the earth. One-third of it will be destroyed by an earthquake and events from the heavens. (see a comparison between Revelation 6 and Isaiah 13)
Between the sixth and seventh seals, there is another parenthesis in the judgments. This one describes the sealing (protection) of 144,000 Messianic Jews (more...) and the martyrdom of a massive amount of non-Jewish believers. They both give praise to God for his salvation.
The seventh seal opens up another set of judgments called the Trumpet Judgments. Although similar to the seal judgments, there is enough difference to justify the belief that these are additional judgments upon the residents of the earth.
One significant difference between the seal and trumpet judgments is the plague of devilish and fearsome locusts which ascend out of the abyss (a deep hole in the earth, perhaps caused by the great earthquake or a huge asteroid). The locusts are strangely clothed and sting like scorpions, but they are only allowed to torment unbelievers. They do so for five months. Another distinction between the Trumpet Judgments and the Seal Judgments is the addition of an army of 200 million soldiers, who destroy a third of the remaining inhabitants of the earth.
These judgments are difficult to comprehend. We may ask, “Is there no mercy for the inhabitants of the earth?” The answer is that at any time people can turn to God from their wickedness and receive mercy. But do they call out to God? No.
The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts (Revelation 9:20-21, NIV).
In our next Bible studies, we will see more judgments to sweep away the wickedness of the earth and prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Are any of us going through difficult times? If you are not a follower of Christ, perhaps God is sweeping away at your wickedness. Until in desperation you see how much you need him—you are not ready for his second coming. If the seven year tribulation starts today, you will have to go through it and try to survive. Then, if you do not turn to God to receive his mercy and grace, you will be judged and condemned to suffer for an eternity in the Lake of Fire (hell). No one wants that. However, if you turn from your sins and cry out to God for forgiveness, he will hear and save you from that day.
What about believers in Christ—will we have to go through that awful time, too? Despite what some false teachers claim that God only wants us to be healthy and wealthy, he does not say that. Terrible times and persecution may come into our lives, but God is faithful to either help us persevere through them or deliver us from them. That is the constant message of the Bible. We can take comfort, however, that true followers of Jesus Christ will not have to go through the seven year Tribulation Period. We will be caught up to be with Christ (raptured) before it begins (1Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1Thessalonians 5:9).
*For more insights on Revelation 6:12b-14 and Isaiah 13:9-13 go to more….
What is the purpose for terrible calamity (judgments) to come upon the earth in the last days?
Identify the four horsemen.
Is there a difference in the destiny of a follower of Christ and one who is not? What is the destiny of each?
Focus Verse
Revelation 7:10b (NIV) “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” |