colored light shining on receiving hands Day 315, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Acts 1-2

New Birth

Few things change people’s lives like babies. We anticipate what he will be like, pray for the infant and the mother, and make extensive preparations for the little bundle of joy. Then we wait and wait and wait. Finally, that day arrives, and it changes our lives forever. In general, what happens when a baby is born is similar to the church’s birth.

Anticipation Before Birth

In today’s Bible reading, Jesus leaves his disciples anticipating the kingdom of God but receiving something else. Jesus tells them before he ascends to heaven: “John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5, NIV). The Holy Spirit will come with life-changing power. This wait is similar to expecting the birth of a child.

Preparation for the Coming Spirit

While waiting, there is preparation. The apostles stay in Jerusalem in a large upstairs room of a house, praying as Jesus instructed. While they are together, Simon Peter makes a suggestion. In effect, he says, “Let’s choose someone to replace Judas Iscariot” (Acts 1:15-22). Since Judas betrayed Jesus, Peter believes they need another witness to take his place. He concludes that the writings of Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8 confirm it.

The decision is Providential, for he has no idea that God will save 3,000 people on the day of Pentecost. He has no idea that God will save more than 5,000 after one week. Peter is merely preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit as a farmer prepares his fields for life-giving rain. The apostles need another witness to help them share Christ’s message.

Spiritual Birth

Then the exciting day of the birth comes for the assembly of believers (the first church).

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1-4, NIV)

The work of the Holy Spirit is evident—the apostles can now speak foreign languages. Parents, relatives, and friends babble baby talk to an infant, but these apostles are not babbling; they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak in other tongues. Some think they are drunk, but their words are coherent. Peter explains this experience as the Holy Spirit’s empowering, a partial fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32.

Why does God enable the disciples to speak other languages? The answer is part of God’s ingenious plan to spread saving grace throughout the world—to make the good news about Jesus Christ (the gospel) understandable to all nations. People need to hear it in their own tongues both then and now.

Jews from every nation, language, and culture gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. After the feast, they would return to their own countries and spread the good news. Soon, God would also extend saving grace to Gentiles (non-Jews).

Sharing the news.

We are excited to share the news of a child’s birth. Likewise, the disciples are thrilled to share the story about the spiritual birth of souls!

We, too, want to share this with everyone. God forgave us and made us one of his children. Amen! Even when a relative, friend, or stranger repents and believes in God’s salvation, it causes us great joy. Let’s share the joy and the news of spiritual life through Christ.

Taking Life More Seriously

When a child is born, it causes many of us to be sober-minded, to think seriously about what this birth means. A father may suddenly act more responsibly. A mother may immediately purchase books about baby care, learning how to be the best caregiver she can be for her little one. Grandparents may be very supportive and come for unexpected visits (actually, we all know their primary motive is to see and spoil their grandchildren).

Spiritual birth is also sobering to us. It is not only our responsibility to share the joy of God’s grace, which brings new life, but to disciple new believers. We need to help them grow spiritually (Matthew 28:19-20).

Jesus was put to death on the cross. The Jews falsely accused him of subverting the nation, opposing Caesar’s taxes, and claiming to be Christ, a King. The Romans put Jesus to death. All this happened according to the foreknowledge and predetermined will of God. But, Jesus was raised from the dead to live forever! The Apostle Peter proclaims,

Therefore, let all Israel be assured of this: “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ,” When the people heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-- for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:37-39, NIV).

Although most of us are not Jewish, the gift of the Holy Spirit can be for us, too. We must first turn from our own evil thoughts and ways (repent) and believe in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection for us. After we are converted, we should be baptized as a testimony of our identification with Jesus. Have we received the new birth? Have we been born again? Have we been baptized to show the world we belong to Jesus?

End notes:

The Holy Spirit is part of the triune nature of God. He was sent from his holy presence in heaven to this earth (see more).

Pentecost is a Jewish feast similar to our Thanksgiving feast.


How was the birth of the church like the birth of a child?

How should those who are spiritually born feel? What should they do?

What is one way that we can get serious about our faith? How can we do it?

Focus Verses

Acts 2:38-39 (NIV)…“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-- for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Watch a video of the book of Acts. Today's lesson goes up to the 16:45 mark

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

This is my prayer response. Dear Father in heaven, your mercy and grace are amazing. You offer the gift of salvation to everyone, every language, every people. If it is accepted, you send the Holy Spirit to indwell us. Praise to your holy name!

Please help us remember the excitement of our spiritual birth and tell others so they might also be spiritually born and accepted into your kingdom. We want to identify with you by being baptized and being committed to fulfilling your will.

Please meet our daily needs and forgive our sins. Help us in extending forgiveness to others. Lead us not into complacency and selfishness but to live in the joy of your Spirit as we obey you and serve others. In the name of your dear Son, I pray. Amen

Please send your comments to me, Rod Harrier

Looking Ahead: What's in a Name? Discover the power of praying and doing things in Jesus name for his sake and for God's glory.

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re-edited 11-11-2021