man listening to disturbing news on phone Day 301, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Mark 11:12–12:17; Matthew 21:12–22:22; Luke 19:45–20:26.

Don't Get Fired!

Getting dismissed from their jobs is something that few people want to experience. Why are some let go? There could be any one of several reasons

  • not showing up for work on time or not at all
  • failure to carry out assignments
  • inconsistency in carrying out policies
  • dishonesty or theft
  • abusing workers
  • not submitting to authority or disloyalty
  • subverting company policies and teaching their subordinates to do the same
  • doing other things that harm the reputation of the firm.

In today’s Bible reading, Jesus uses parables to demonstrate the need to reject and dismiss the religious leaders, particularly the priests. But they had tenure; they had been spiritual leaders of Israel since the days of Moses. Still, God holds them accountable.

God holds us accountable, too, for our actions on our jobs or in the areas God has gifted us. What we learn from these parables may help us not to get fired or replaced.

The Vineyard Parable

The Israelites of that day were agriculturists and spoke in those terms. One day, Jesus shares a parable with them concerning the management of a vineyard. The vineyard refers to the nations of Israel and Judah (Isaiah 5:1-7). The priests were poor managers of these nations. For mismanagement of his vineyard, God is removing them. Why? What did they do?

From time to time, God sent regional supervisors (prophets) to straighten out the managers (priests) and instruct them in the proper care of the vineyard (their nation). However, many times these supervisors were persecuted or killed.

Then the Lord allowed a hostile takeover of their vineyard (the land of Israel). He permitted it because they were bankrupt and had irresponsible investors. The investors were the Jewish people. They were evil and idol worshippers. Finally, the Lord allowed Assyria and Babylon to take over their vineyard, remove them from their land, and force them to labor in exile.

Then, in his sovereignty, God gave the Jewish people another chance to return to the vineyard, replant (rebuild the temple and walls in Jerusalem), and manage his firm. Still, they were unfaithful and again did not listen to their supervisors (prophets).

After other hostile takeovers from Greece and Rome, the management was permitted to operate a small insignificant business in the exact location (the land of Israel). Still, it was under foreign ownership (Rome).

Finally, the firm’s owner, God, sent the Jewish people his own Son, who was his heir. The management (religious leaders) decided to kill the heir to continue to run the organization the way they wanted, for their own profits.

The heir, Jesus, had come to turn the tables on the managers (Jewish religious leaders) and restore the fruitful operation. But, the religious leaders would soon incite the Jews to have the heir of the vineyard (Jesus Christ) killed. For this rejection, God would give ownership to someone else (a reference to Jewish believers in the time of The Tribulation). In the meantime, God would allow other nations to enjoy the benefits of the vineyard, i.e., salvation would be extended to non-Jewish people (Gentiles; Matthew 21:43).

Most of us are not Jews, but we enjoy the benefits of salvation. How are we caring for the responsibilities God has given us? Would we want him to take them away and give them to someone else?.

Wedding Parable

After the parable of the vineyard, Jesus shares another story, the parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14). Here, the same truth is illustrated. The Jews were first invited to the special meal held in heaven in honor of his Son, Jesus. He came to his own people (the Jews), did miracles for them, and invited them to become a part of the kingdom of God (heaven). Still, many would not receive or accept him (John 1:11). So, Jesus invites others to come to the banquet table.

What is required that we might be invited? Money? Prestige? Fame? A name? No, only humility and willingness to receive his invitation of salvation are required. When we do that, he will give us wedding clothes to wear before his banquet table.

Have we humbled ourselves and received his invitation of salvation, or are we still making excuses? We can’t go to the wedding banquet table in heaven in any other way but by receiving the invitation from his Son. Let’s answer “yes” to him. If we do not answer yes, he will turn to others, and we will be severely punished in hell for eternity. Let’s humble ourselves and receive his gracious invitation (more...).

No one likes to be told they are being fired. Sometimes people act with vengeance against their employers or managers for such things. Do we resent Jesus telling us how things must be?

The Jewish leaders (Sadducees) do not like Jesus any more than the religious leaders (Pharisees). So, they get help from the Herodians to remove him from his powerful influence on the people. Desperation makes strange bedfellows. The Herodians are a political group loyal to Herod but hated by the Jews. However, the Jewish leaders, religious leaders, and Herodians have a common interest—getting rid of Jesus. His popularity is a perceived threat to the Roman government. They wonder, Will Jesus start a rebellion?

This coalition tries to trap Jesus by pitting his loyalty to Jewish law against Roman law in paying taxes. Jesus answers that there are things we owe to the government and things we owe to God. The Lord institutes governments for our protection and to dispense justice. We owe them honor and obedience whenever possible. We also owe the same to God. The Jewish leaders and Herodians fail in their attempt and make themselves look bad.


What is the point of the parable of the vineyard? Why does God want to fire the managers?

What is the meaning of the parable of the wedding? Who is welcome, and under what conditions?

Focus Verse

1Peter 2:16-17 (NIV) “Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.”

Watch a short video of this lesson about the vineyard here

Watch a short video of this lesson about the wedding banquet here

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

or Join me in my prayer response:

Dear Heavenly Father, you are most gracious and loving to invite us to your banquet table. Thank you for choosing us to be your bride. I pray that we would invite others to the banquet table, your offering for salvation. That is your desire, your will.

Dear Father, we pray you would bless our lives and meet our needs today as you have always done. Then we can tell others of your provision.

Forgive our daily sins, and cleanse us with your righteousness. Help us to forgive others who sin against us. I pray when tempted that we will not seek revenge against those who hurt us. Let us leave vengeance to you. You are wise and know when and how to exercise justice or even remove people from their positions. Instead, I pray that we will please you in all we do so you will be proud of us. May we do all things for your glory and praise, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Please send your comments to me, Rod

Looking Ahead: Jesus speaks out against false religious leaders. How can we Avoid Hypocrisy? Join us for our Next Lesson.

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re-edited 10-28-2021